We continue to strive at Aulpha Technologies to provide important services to protect your money when you need it the most. It is usually a desirable practice in any economic environment to have assurance as a valued customer that your service contract will be honored in any required situation.
Managing several systems at once that are under different suppliers, contracts, and proprietary standards can be difficult, especially in today’s ever-changing technology platform. Our maintenance contracts are intended to reduce the uncertainty and ambiguity associated with many points of contact.
Our maintenance contract includes the following terms of service-
- Provide a single point of responsibility for your entire system
- Ensure smooth functioning of system with minimum disruption
- Periodic system maintenance by technology experts and keep you updated on status
- Constant monitoring and updating on system and infrastructure duplication.
- Ensure scalability and suggest integration of systems
- Help you and your facility operate at its full potential with predictable costs
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